Skyline thanks our veterans
Skyline College SVA club president David Botello welcomes the crowd and begins the ceremony.
In celebration of Veterans Day, Skyline College’s Student Veterans of America Club (SVA) hosted its annual Ceremony on Nov. 9, 2017.
The ceremony looked to not only honor our veterans but was an open forum for students, faculty, and district members to share their stories.
The ceremony began with the National Anthem where afterwards, SVA President David Botello welcomed Skyline College President Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud as the first guest speaker.
President Dr. Stanback Stroud highlighted how Veterans Day is a day for reflection. She also went on and expressed the personal significance of Veterans Day was for her.
“The difference between this day and Memorial Day is that were honoring people that serve. Not just the soldiers that have died but people who have served in the military.” President Dr. Standback Stroud said. “All of us have a personal responsibility to supporting the ideals of our personal freedoms.”
President Standback Stroud personally thanked our student veterans and shared their academic accomplishments.
“96 percent of student veterans are full time with an average GPA of 3.0,” President Dr. Standback Stroud stated. “Those who aren’t full time have a GPA right around 2.8.”
The San Mateo Community College District’s Vice Chancellor, Jose Nuñez was next speaker and explained his gratitude for his time serving in the military.
“The army provided me with a myriad of opportunities and instilled in me discipline, respect, teamwork loyalty, attention to detail, endurance, and most importantly a can do spirit,” Vice Chancellor Nunez said. “While under the service I was able to finish my undergrad and master’s degree.”
Other notable attendees that spoke were Joan Dentler, Field Representative for State Senator Jerry Hill, and Jim Vangele the Skyline College Chief of Public Safety.
An open forum followed which allowed Student Veterans, Erik Ferroggiaro, John Uperesa, Christopher Rochette, and David Botello to share their stories.
Ferroggiaro recalled nearing the finish of high school and deciding to enlist rather than continue onto college.
“I decided it was very important for me to serve the constitution of the United states and protect our bill of rights so we can enjoy the life we have today,” Ferroggiaro said. “I was one of three of my class to go on active duty.”
After all the student speakers the ceremony ended as Gina Ciardella, Program Coordinator of the Veterans Resource Center invited everyone to the VRC for an open house.
“I feel honored to work for a college that supports the veterans and military affiliated students at the upmost,” Ciardella reflected. “The amount of support that veterans, military affiliated students, and dependents get at this college and this district is tremendous…It’s an honor every day to work with each and every one of our veterans.”