I come to you today to say a few words. These words are very common and used frequently. Just about everyone says them – and if they don’t, they should. There are many different ways to say what these words mean, and I believe every language has a way to say them. These words can be used in a variety of ways, and are often misused, and maybe, just maybe, some of you will even be offended by these words. Before I go any further I just want to say; I’m sorry and thank you.
Go through a day and listen to the conversations around you. How many times do you hear those phrases? In so many situations we use these phrases with a number of different people. They come out so flippantly. Do we really mean it every time? Are you that sincere?
If so, please teach the rest of the world, you could be the one to spread world peace. Even the best and most sincere person drops these words without the complete conviction every once in a while. It just happens. We are used to these words, they seem so simple, and can be used in so many circumstances.
Of course not everyone thinks this is true. According to an article from aboutflowers.com, an International Communications Research poll, most Americans feel that saying “I’m sorry” is much easier than “thank you”.
The article, written by Rebecca Cole co-host of Discovery Channel’s Surprise by Design and author of Flower Power, felt that “a simple, ‘thank you’ or ‘I’m sorry’ can go a long way.”
A simple?” “Simple?”
The reality is that these phrases hold a lot more power than we give them credit for. These words are very solemn and can be used in very dishonest ways. But what’s worse is just the disregard of their true meanings. When you say that you’re sorry, what are you really saying? Are you heartfelt and actually remorseful for what you have done, and plan to do everything you can to avoid doing it again?
Or are you just saying that because you know you did something wrong and you just want the other person off your back. When you say thank you, are you truly grateful, with a feeling of debt, and a desire to do more good to others? Or are you saying it because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings?
I think if we, at first as a community then spreading outward, begin to use these words properly and with an honest conviction, just think of how much our communities would improve. When someone is hurt or makes a mistake, and then truly try to make restitution, that mistake would less likely happen again. One less problem in the world.
If we exhibited true gratitude for the things others did for us, we would in turn be more likely to something good for someone else. I learned recently that charity is in fact contagious. If one good deed is done, it leads to more good deeds, and it flowers out so that there are many good deeds being done all around.
I challenge all of us, myself included, to be more conscientious about how and when we use these phrases. Let’s begin to be a little more integral, and watch as our community improves.