Despite the sudden upswing in temperature in the last couple of days, I’m finding that I’m really enjoying it. The Bay Area is gray and foggy what seems like 300 days out of the year, so it’s nice to go to campus and see the sun shining for once.
It seems like it puts everyone in a better mood. I’ve noticed already that people tend to be more easygoing and relaxed when it’s warmer outside. Maybe the heat is giving us an excuse to be lazy, or maybe the warmth is putting us at ease. Whatever it is, I like it. I could do with more days like this.
Of course, some of us might be noticing that the weather has been pretty off-kilter lately. Last week we had a windstorm, and today the temperature is climbing past 90. And it’s April. What gives? Doesn’t the old nursery rhyme talk about April Showers? I don’t even remember the last time it rained. It had to be months ago.
But enough with the negative. The sun is shining for once, and I’m loving it. It’s warm, there’s a nice breeze going. It almost makes me forget that we’re sitting next to the ocean.
There’s another plus, too. The summer weather says to us that we’re coming up on the end of the semester. And it’s true – we only have something like a month of school left to trudge through before we hit that glorious, multi-month break from having to think about anything.
Don’t let yourself sink this close to the end though. With the last day to withdraw without getting an F rapidly approaching, it’s too easy to let it slip by and suddenly find yourself stuck in a class you’re not doing well in. And a month, plus a bombed final, is more than enough to doom your transcript forever.
But keep yourself going just a bit longer, because that vacation’s coming, and a lot of us are going to need it.
I couldn’t be looking forward to it more.