On March 16, 2009, many people from all over California will gather in West Sacramento to march to the State Capital’s North Steps to show their concern about recent state budget cuts.The march is being put on by the Student Senate for California Community Colleges. The march to the Capital will begin at Raley Field at 10 a.m. while the Rally on the Capital’s North Steps will start at noon. “Our education must be considered the investment that will turn around our economy,” SSCCC President Richael Young said in a letter to statewide Associated Student Body members.Young said that our community colleges have been underfunded for far too long, and while the recent budget cuts promoted a 3 percent enrollment growth for community college students, we are still vulnerable to the Governor’s May Revise.The SSCCC’s vision is to communicate a unified student perspective to elected officials in order to promote student success and enrich the collegiate experience for all California Community College students.Faculty, staff, students and supporters alike will be attending because we should “tell our legislators how funding your education will propel our economy into a better economic climate,” Young said. “Tell your college story on March 16, 2009.”Maria Luisa Figueroa, Communications and Outreach Associate for the Campaign for College Opportunity, believes “It is important for students to take an active approach to secure the college promise for themselves and their peers.””If at this moment we did not have a state budget, there would be a massive turnout of students from across the state,” Skyline President Vikki Morrow said. Since the march is not at a critical time, she expects there to be less support than if the budget hasn’t been passed. Featured speakers at the rally will be Lieutenant Governor John Garamendi, Assembly Member Sandré Swanson, the aforementioned SSCCC President Richael Young, plus many more.ASSC Vice President Brittany Piccolotti encourages students to join the cause on March 16. “The more support the students show, the bigger effect we’ll have on our government.” Skyline students interested in attending the march should register at the Student Activities Office, Room 6214, by March 6. There will be free transportation to and from Sacramento. The buses will be leaving Skyline at 7 a.m. and expect to return at 4 p.m. Also, a free box lunch will be provided to all bus riders. On March 16, students will voice their concerns to our officials in hopes of preserving and expanding higher education for the citizens of California. Young wants all students, faculty, staff and supporters to know “The March in March: Rescue Education, is still on, and we need you there.”
March in March
Mitchell Martin
March 5, 2009

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