Twenty-three year old Valerie Fernandez, who is an aspired artist student of Skyline College, is experiencing economic crises for the first time in her life. Valerie was on the Sam Trans bus on her way to school when she heard through the PA system the bus fares were going to be raised twenty-five cents by February 1st.
Valerie says she has mixed feelings about the price increase. She says due to the economic crises our country is facing, her dad who is out of work, can barely afford to give her 1.50 to pay her bus fare. Her mom works very hard to support her family although; she’s tired but still asks does Valerie have money for bus fare.
Valerie says, she can afford 1.50 but 1.75 is a little too much. Some times she buys bus passes that saves her some money. She thinks the school should have better programs where discount bus passes can be offered to students who are in financial crises and receive financial aid. With students having to pay for books, classes, enrollment fees, and other students cost, with barely enough money for these items with no job, it is impossible for students to pay 1.75 for bus fare. Fernandez also mentioned that she noticed a lot of students were dropping classes and that her mother says education is very important.
Arthur Chiu is another student of Skyline College who was surprised about the 25 cent fair increase next month. He was informed of the increase by other students around campus. Arthur believes students should not have to pay for the increase alone. He says students should have been given a survey about the increases because every student can’t afford to pay for the extra 25 cents. Arthur says he does not have a job because of the economy, and that he has to take money away from his parents when they have other children to take care of. He also says his parents have to take away from their savings. Arthur is a full-time student which will make him have to pay even more for the bus fare and that he would not have enough money to pay for his lunch. He says he does not receive money from financial aid and doesn’t see where he would get the extra money but hopes the fares would stay the same until he graduates from college.