With the holiday season rapidly approaching, the biggest thought on everybody’s mind is spending. People are requesting more hours at work, saving every cent, and making sure they can get as much money as possible before the big sales begin. The biggest question on everybody’s mind is how they will spend that hard earned money this season and get the most out of every dollar.
Skyline students feel that spending is something that is going to happen regardless just as long as it’s done in a cordially fashion. People spend the most money during the holiday season and Christmas is no exception. Students, working or not, know that they are going to spend money this season, but spending it wisely is the biggest concern.
Gabriel Barrientos, a Skyline student, feels as if family should be the first thought when buying presents.
“My biggest concern is taking care of my parents and buying them something nice this Christmas, it only seems right after all they have done for me.”
He also believes that the gift doesn’t matter; it is the thought behind it.
“I really don’t know what I am going to get them at this point, but I know its going to be something well thought out,” said Gabriel.
Students know that while living with parents it takes a lot of ease off of other bills, so Christmas should be a time of giving and letting the people in your life know that you care for them. Skyline student JP (John Paul) Gonzalez knows that family is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to holiday spending.
“I really want to get my parents something nice for Christmas, something they need. I also know that I want to get my sister and niece nice presents,” Gonzalez said.
He also mentions that he wants to get his girlfriend something for Christmas.
“My girl[friend] is also a person I want to get a great present for, something sexy, maybe something that will get me a nice present in return,” said John.
A lot of students know that family is a major issue but they also know that their friends are something to keep close during the holiday season. Some people believe that their life long friends are like family, so spending money on Christmas should be between friends also.
Skyline student Geovanna Ferrara knows that friends aren’t one thing to forget about during the holiday season.
“My friends are people I especially want to buy presents for because they are the people I really care about,” Ferrara said. “My friends are so close to me, money is not as important as that.”
She also knows that she is going to all the stores to find the perfect gift.
“I know I will be spending at least a whole paycheck during my shopping in Sears, Macys, JC Penny, Forever 21, H & M Heart, and especially Target,” Geovanna said.
It seems as if the biggest concern for skyline students know how much money they spend but how wisely they spend it. Family is the biggest concern this holiday and the most spending somebody should do is spending time together with their families and loved ones. Money only means so much during the holiday season, it comes and goes like seasons, but the time spent enjoying the holiday is what really makes it priceless.