Hello! And welcome back to another lovely semester at Skyline, I am Shannon Elliott your new Editor In Chief here at The Skyline View, it is an honor to once again help you the students know what’s going on, on campus (or what isn’t going on). But enough of the introductions, you know who I am, and I know who you are. Lets just get down to the topic at hand: Taking the bus. Now I can’t drive, I don’t drive, I would like to drive but at this current moment with my current eyes, I can’t. So I take the bus and walk everywhere, not only because I cant drive but because it is better for the environment and your personal health. But my friends taking the bus as great as it is, is a sonofabitch in San Mateo County. The buses run at odd times and don’t connect with each other, they don’t offer transfers and unless you get a bus pass, it a buck fifty a ride. What this county needs is a revamp of the busing system, where the buses run later and more frequently. All over the state people are preaching about global warming, and how car pooling, public transit and driving Prius style automobiles would be so much better for the environment. But yet nothing is being done to make public transit more appealing to the riders. Personally I already like taking the bus (however I will mooch a ride off of one of my friends when I can), I enjoy walking places. But life would be so much easier, for me and other bus riders if they did something about the odd scheduling. Because it seems that if you live on the coast or in other outskirts of the county you don’t go any where after about six, and if you do you certainly won’t be going home. So San Mateo County if you want to do your part to help the environment and make like a little easier for those who take the buses then make buses run later, and more often. And to you my dear readers if you wish to help make this happen call Samtrans and tell them what’s up. Here’s the number : 1 800 660-4287
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Shannon Elliott
September 20, 2007
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