For my last installment of The View from Here, I’m going to make this very clear; this is simply a rant of purely emotional jargon. I have recently grown to hate the very program I am a part of. I’m finished and over with journalism as a course and career for good.
This program has run me dry. I can’t deal with the demanding deadlines, the late nights, and the constant letdown from staff. This is an extremely demanding program. It’s certainly not for everyone and apparently not me.
For the past four months, I’ve felt like I’ve been living a life that is no longer mine. I’m sleeping less, eating less, and usually in a toxic mood. This may not be too far from my normal life, but the big difference is that I’m no longer enjoying it.
I’m dissatisfied. I’m fed up. I’m not going to fill in for someone else anymore.
I need to return to my personal outlet, because spouting my opinion has made no difference. This paper is just not fulfilling anymore.
I hope that somewhere, someone has read this column before and thought about what the writer has had to say, and regarded it for a moment before casting it aside. I hope that my staff may have learned something, anything, from my insane and irrational leadership.
I’m putting my hat up on the wall, and I’m signing out. Good night, folks. I’ve been drained.