In 2000, Professor of Art and Photography Arthur Takayama created a student photography show to contrast the annual Spring Student Art Show. Held annually in November, the show runs for approximately three weeks.
His hope was to portray photography as a meaningful art medium. Although the focus is on photography, he also invites students involved in sculpture and ceramics to participate. The show provides the students with a great opportunity to showcase their work.
“It was mainly for a benefit to the students, an opportunity to exhibit,” said Takayama.
Takayama set up this show to present photography as a viable form of art, since in the past, photography was not regarded as art.
“The emphasis was not photo as an art form but for its other uses; photojournalism, etc. My emphasis is photo as an art medium.”
The pieces featured in the show are diverse and reflect the variety of students who attend the college. Takayama chose the featured work based on originality, not technical performance.
“There are no limitations on subject matter or technique, I chose essentially those images I think are interesting or thought provoking,” Takayama said. “It’s not about exposition of great technique, that’s actually quite secondary. The ideas are what’s important.”
Takayama is quite pleased with the result of the show and hopes that in the future, with more help from his photo club, the show will only get better.”I view it as a very good success.”