The women’s soccer team not only won at home in the preseason, but also won their first home league game on Oct. 3 by shutting out Hartnell. The women played a very tough game and kept the pressure against the opposing goal with a total of 20 shots, eventually winning by a score of 4-0. Nancy Chicas led the Trojans with two goals in the first half, and Mellisa Roach also scored during the first.The fourth and final goal was made by Kenia Santillian within the last two minutes of the game.”We switched it up a little bit today,” said Assistant Coach Damian Cohen. “We played with three forwards … they adjusted nicely out on the field, tried to create a little more offense, because we’ve been playing more defensive. And today, knowing the opponent didn’t have the strongest record, we knew that we could probably put a little more offense out on the field.”
Lady Trojans deliver heartbreak to Hartnell
Kyle Chidester
October 16, 2006
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