Last spring, Skyline held elections looking for the new ASSC student body president. At the end of the semester, the students of Skyline were faced with a run-off election between Kiiausha David and Luis Padilla to be held this semester. On returning to school, the ASSC had found its new president without the need for a run-off election because David dropped from the race shortly before the start of the term. David dropped from the race because she did not feel she had the time to run the ASSC.”My schedule wouldn’t permit all of the demands of being president. I am taking a couple of classes at SF State in addition to classes here,” David said. However, David is still involved with the ASSC.”When we had our first get-together, I felt good energy from the entire counsel,” David said about the new group of ASSC members. When asked about the new president, David said “I think he is a good person; just from speaking with him, I think he has great potential.””I am very excited; it is a funny story because there was supposed to be a run-off between me and Kiiausha David, so I was preparing myself for that this semester,” Padilla said about becoming the new ASSC president.This year, the ASSC is planning on having more activities for the students. “We want to have a whole array of events so the students feel welcome and comfortable here at Skyline,” said Padilla about wanting the ASSC to get more involved with the student body. The ASSC has seen a leap in membership since last spring when they only had 7 members. Now, they have grown to a roster of 15 members on the board of students. ASSC president Padilla is still encouraging students to get involved with student government.”We are 15 people strong, but I think we could easily grow that into 20, 25, or even 30, and have more opinions and more points of view that we can use.” Padilla wants to build a stronger Skyline community among students by getting more of them involved with the ASSC and Skyline in general.In closing, Padilla had this to say to the student body: “Be prepared to have fun, we are planning to have events all around campus.”
New year new president
Shannon Elliott
August 29, 2006

President Louis Padilla (right) attends a meeting with Vice President Silvia Cervantes(left) as the ASSC gears up for this school year. ()
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