If you are reading this, chances are that you are very much aware that school is back in session. But there is one important program that is ostensibly not in session: the magnificent dance program. As the voice of your campus, the staff of the Skyline View would like to invite you to ponder with us where exactly the dance program here at Skyline has gone.As many of you returning know, the ever-talented Diana Cushway, who has been the dance program coordinator for the past 20 or so years, has settled into an early retirement to focus on her creativity as an artist. She is greatly encouraged by students, colleagues, and friends alike. But returning dance students of hers are facing a query as to what will happen with the program. A few years ago, Skyline had a theatre program, which slowly vanished off the face of the campus. The program was replaced with a journalism program. While we are grateful to have the opportunity to relish in the experience of journalism, we don’t want to say goodbye to the dance department, or have a new department take its place. So to the dancers out there, and to all other students partaking in any other program, think about this: what would you do if a goal you were working towards at Skyline just went up and disappeared? What if your major area was just discontinued right in the middle of things? While the dance program seems to be resuming for the moment, there seems to be no organization behind it; the first steps to bidding farewell to the department. So let’s hope enough students sign up for dance classes, and a new full time instructor is hired. Hopefully by next spring, we’ll have just as strong of a division as we did when Cushway ran it.
Kyle Chidester
August 28, 2006
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