With all the construction that has been going on, the campus has not been much of a pleasing sight. In an attempt to contrast the constant eye sore, a committee has been charged with the task to decorate the campus with various art projects. District Chancellor Ron Galatolo proposed the idea in 2004 to all three of the colleges in our district. On our own campus, a task force has been organized to spearhead this project. Composed of representatives from administration, faculty, staff and students, the task force is responsible for developing and reviewing proposals for acquiring the works of art.
The task force, currently being chaired by Donna Bestock and Paul Bridenbaugh, must follow a series of guidelines in the decision making process. The guidelines provide a summary on the nature, the location and the selection process of the art works.
Though they are hoping many of the works may be donated by the artists, there is an innovation fund, which is contributed from the surrounding community to the students of Skyline, to help with any costs of acquiring, installing, documenting and/or maintaining the art.
Once acquired, the art will be put on display in a number of locations on campus. Both indoor; such as in building entrances, reception areas, conference rooms, the library and learning center, as well as outdoor; exterior of buildings, common court-yards, and walkways. When considering outdoor locations, they must also consider weather conditions such as fog or darkness.
The hope is that they can begin placing works as soon as possible, even though the continuous construction will hinder some of the process, President Victoria Morrow says they plan to just “work around” it. The process has already begun with the placing of 12 paintings, from art students, on the fencing around the new Student Union.
It seems this is going to be an on going process, including rotating the art on display so that there will continuously be fresh new art to view throughout the campus.