The 2006-07 budget proposal adopted by The University of California Board of Regents, which included as its main point of interest a fee increase for UC students was detailed in a press release sent out Nov. 16.
The fee increases include an 8 percent raise for resident undergraduates totaling roughly $492, a 10 percent in increase for resident graduate academic students totaling an average of $690, and a 5 percent increase for most professional school students, the total dollar amount of which varies depending on the school.
Highlights of the budget include:
Enrollment growth: The UC system is hoping to help in the growth of 5,000 full time students in 2006-07 in an attempt to fulfill commitments laid out in “The Master Plan for Higher Education.”
Student-Faculty ratio: $10 million has been augmented from the budget to allow Universities to offer smaller classes in certain subject areas and to offer a wider range of courses to help students complete requirements and graduate more quickly.
Financial Aid: The UC Grants system, as well as Cal Grants, has arranged to fully cover system wide fee increases for all undergraduates eligible for a grant. This would include mostly students with parental income that is below $60,000 per year.
In addition to the fee increases, and to ensure that needy students are still able to attend school in the UC system, 33 percent of all revenue generated from the undergraduate fee increase, as well as 45 percent from the graduate level increase and 33 percent from the professional school increase, will be set aside to ensure that all students needing it will be able to find