No longer do Skyline Trojans sports fans have to keep the score when going to soccer and baseball games, Skyline Athletic Director Andreas Wolf has gotten the idea of putting up scoreboards for the sports facilities.One of the goals that Wolf wanted to do while being director was to either replace or purchase scoreboards for all the athletic facilities. In order to get this done, Wolf had to do some fundraising and develop community partnerships to be able to supplement the cost of the scoreboards. One of the first scoreboards to go up was the soccer scoreboard, which was put up during the fall semester. The cost of the scoreboard and installation was about $15,000, which was done by Arc Electric which was Skyline’s partnership with Local IBEW 617 the San Mateo County Electrical Workers Union, according to Wolf.”We use our facilities to be able to attract partnerships within the community,” Wolf said. “People like to see their name up in lights.”In terms of the baseball scoreboard, the cost was $34,000 so it would take a longer period of time to get it. But through the donation of $34,000 by an anonymous community partner, the money is now held in the foundation at the district office. The scoreboard cost was $23,000 and the installation was $18,000. Wolf got Arc Electric and Electricians Union once again to help with the budget in terms of the installation. The board is up on the baseball field and getting ready to be used by late February. Skyline is also getting improvement additions for basketball, wrestling, badminton, and volleyball in the gym.Now that Wolf has the soccer scoreboard and just about got the finishing touches on the baseball scoreboard, the scoreboard in the gym costs about $17,000 to be replaced. Summer Hill Homes is looking to help Skyline Athletics and is looking to pitch in $20,000 to help complete the process. With this contribution, “Summer Hill Homes” will be put on the scoreboard during games in the gym.For some of the student athletes at Skyline, this may be the last time they play competitively so, Wolf wants to make sure that they play their games with great surroundings.”I want to give them the best environment, the best opportunity to compete in a high level program a very prestigious program,” Wolf said. “Having a board on each facility brings our program to another level and that is my goal to take us to another level. I think it’s served its purpose pretty well.”
Scoreboards for everyone
Okey Amuzie
February 8, 2004
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