As time goes on more and more people are going to college. The more people that decide to attend, the more competitive it becomes and the harder it will be for community college students to transfer into the UC and CSU systems.Although the tunnel ahead looks dark and grim there is light on the other side. Linda Rosa Corazon, transfer center coordinator at Skyline College, has a few hot tips for those students who wish to transfer starting Fall 2004.First, students need to start working with a counselor on a regular basis. By doing so they are allowing themselves to be up to date with what is going on in the university systems. Nothing will come as a shock and they will be more prepared for the potential drawbacks.Second, students need to make a Student Educational Plan (SEP). These will layout the classes that will be needed in order to meet transfer goals.Third, students need to realize that many majors in different colleges are impacted. They need to keep their options open about different campuses, not just one.Fourth, students should take advantage of the guaranteed transfer programs. This will ensure them a spot in the university. “I get concerned that I see more and more students trying to assist themselves,” Corazon said. “They aren’t getting accurate information.”Corazon recommends that if students cannot make it into her or any other counselors office for assistance then they should check the transfer center web site for frequent updates under “Hot News.”
Best Ways to Successfully Transfer to a UC or a CSU
Jenn Livesey
November 2, 2003
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