With music being so easily accessible now, we, as the consumer, can listen to whatever music we want in an instant. Kiana Wong, a Skyline student, has multiple Spotify playlists, titled “Sad Songs,” “Happy Tunes,” “Vibes,” and many more, in order to make her feel a certain way throughout her day. Music is a form of expression and each song may touch someone differently. In each playlist, Wong uses her music to shape how the day may play out, or to use as an outlet for her emotions.
Accessibility and Ability
Music can be accessed through Spotify, Apple Music, or even YouTube, so we, the common listener, have music around us on almost every medium. By listening to a song, hearing the score in a movie or television show, or simply whistling a tune, we are being affected by the power of music.
“I use music as an escape,” Wong says. “When I’m having a hard time, I can turn on some oldies and feel transported to a better time.”
Spirit of Music
Music has such a strong effect on the listener that it can, essentially, change one’s mood completely. Mjaye Lozano, a Skyline student, and frequent basketball player mentioned how he used music to pump him up before playing in games.
“My high school team would blast music in the locker rooms before every game to get us hyped,” Lozano said. “Songs like ‘It G Ma’ and ‘The Spiteful Chant’ really got us ready to play.”
The Language of Expression
Coming from the side of writing and music production, local rapper Derek “Delro” Del Rosario described how he uses music as an expression of his emotions, and how he uses his pen and his words to paint a picture for the listener to experience.
“When I write music, it’s a way to express emotions when you can’t express it in any other way,” Del Rosario said. “Music can be so familiar to us that we connect with a lot of songs and it can bring out emotions through the familiarity of our lives.”
In Remembrance
On another note, in a lot of the music we listen to today, we hear themes of sadness and depression: something that many students our age may be dealing with. The passing of Mac Miller took a great toll on many, and according to Billboard, his music streams skyrocketed 970% after his death. Music is very influential and there are some things that can only be expressed, and understood, through song. Some of Mac Miller’s songs, including “Self Care,” “2009,” and “Wings,” each talk about better times and dealing with depression. His last album “Swimming” will stick with many people for a long time. And, with the power of Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube, music will never die and one’s message will always be heard.