Free flu shots and more
A picture of the Skyline College Heath Center, inside building 2.
Flu season is upon us and the recent change in weather isn’t going to help combat it.
Fortunately, The Skyline Health Center offers a variety of services to students, including free flu shots.
The Health Center is open daily, closed on weekends, to students for drop-in visits starting at 9 a.m.
However, flu shots aren’t the only assistance that the Health Center offers to the students of Skyline. Immunizations, vaccinations and blood work are just a few of the other options offered at the Health Center.
Terri Sofarelli, a physician assistant at the Health Center said that the center offers “rapid tests we can do right in the clinic.”
Students can stop by for any ailment, without making a previous appointment. The health center handles everything from pregnancy tests to TB (tuberculosis) testing, all for little to no cost.
The Health Center is able to offer this affordable care due to a fee that every Skyline student pays each semester as part of their total registration cost.
“We don’t accept insurance,” says Sofarelli in regards to the low cost of services provided.
Being currently enrolled is the only thing a student needs to do to gain access to the Health Center.
Besides the tests and care offered, the center can also provide an assortment of over-the-counter treatments or acute care for injuries suffered while on campus.
The center is also partnered closely with the counseling services offered here at Skyline. Students can come to counseling center drop-in hours for any psychological or emotional distress they may be experiencing, or an appointment can be made in advance.
Planned Parenthood also partners with the Health Center and is on campus most Wednesdays to provide insight and assistance in that field. Condoms and lubricants, as well as informational pamphlets or professional advice is readily available at the center as well.
Lately, the Health Center has been advertising the free flu shot service. These shots are available to all currently enrolled Skyline students. However, these immunizations are provided from larger health clinics, and are restocked as they are used. There is “not an infinite supply,” Sofarelli said.
Already 300 students have taken advantage of these immunizations, but there are roughly 10,000 students enrolled this semester.
There are only a few weeks left before winter break, but the flu has already begun to run its seasonal course.
Sofarelli spoke about the goals of the Health Center. Not only do they aim to provide medical care to the students of Skyline, but they also wish to educate them. The hallway of the health center has dozens of pamphlets and handouts regarding a diverse arrangement of health or mental issues that are readily available to students.
Preventative care is as important to them as acute care. They are after all, a college campus health clinic.
“We want to provide health and wellness to students through care and education,” Sofarelli said.