What is the definition of being financially responsible?
Is it saving money every chance you get? Is it putting money away for the future? Or, is it not spending money at all? The answer to this question is a complicated one, especially considering we live in complicated times. Finances have become a hot topic among adults in today’s world. Gone are the days of financial security among those with steady jobs and families to take care of. The economic downturn completely changed the complexity of financial responsibility, which is still changing today. But who seems to suffer most from this change? That would be students.
Congresswoman Jackie Speier recently spoke to a packed house inside the Skyline College Theater. During her speech, Congresswoman Speier discussed various topics to students including business ethics. But one sentence from her speech sparked the largest reaction amongst the crowd. “When I was taking classes at Hastings College of Law, classes were $70 per unit.” This staggering statement put the large rise in school fees into its proper perspective.
The cost for classes continues to rise every year, causing students to go to extra lengths to make ends meet. Whether it’s working more hours at work, cutting back on spending, or getting another job, students are working harder than ever to afford the ability to get an education. But there must be a way for Skyline students to save money in a easy way. Well that is the reason for this section of The Skyline View, to show you how to save money around your own campus.
Among the items discussed will be the opportunities to save money by using the equipment in our gymnasium rather than spending money on gym memberships, using financial counselors in the Sparkpoint Center, and resources offered in the Health Center.
While these options may seem as if they may not be significat towards helping students financially, don’t assume too quickly. Saving money is easier than some may lead you to believe. Small cuts in spending here and there pay off in the end. Major overhauls in spending are also helpful, but smaller cuts are won’t cause a major change in your lifestyle.
The overall message of this section is to increase awareness of opportunities to save money on campus, which will go a long way towards becoming financially responsible. So do not overlook this section, because the key to your financial responsibility may be in here somewhere.