Students and faculty at Skyline College probably know and admire Professor James I. Wong. For those who don’t, he is a history and geography professor here at Skyline College. He is better known by his students for bringing excitement and humor into his classes.
Wong, a man of many accomplishments and titles, has done it again. He has recently returned from New York City from a former Flying Tigers Conference and Reunion.
The Flying Tigers were an air supply unit in World War 2. They were also known as the 1st American Volunteer Group. A common image associated with them is the plane with shark teeth painted on the front.
“They were all Chinese American,” Wong says. “The vast majority of them were American born.”
About 27 former members were able to attend the conference. The 27 were all mixed from four different units of that division. Mr. Wong’s connection to the Flying Tigers is his father used to be one. His father did two terms and has the patch and discharge papers to prove it. Wong also mentioned that he unfortunately never got to talk with his father about the Flying Tigers; it is something he regrets to this day.
Luckily, Wong had the chance to interview some of the former members to work on his publication of a book he is writing. At the conference, he met with individuals that were active within the union. They asked him to be their academic advisor to the Flying Tigers website. This includes looking over their journals as well as their website itself.
“I am honored that they asked me and I look forward to doing it,” Wong says. “It’s kind of like my contribution to the Flying Tigers.” He remembers growing up in Waterloo, Iowa and his father being extremely proud of being a Flying Tiger.
A lawyer, professor, inspector to the Sanda Kickboxing Federation, Immigrations Warrior, and now academic advisor to the former Flying Tigers Club! What hasn’t he done and what will Professor Wong do next?
To listen to Mr. Wong talk about his trip to New York, including descriptions of 9/11 ceremonies, his father’s involvement in the Flying Tigers and the Flying Tiger Conference experience, visit