Volleyball program establishes principles for life success
Skyline’s volleyball team battled hard on the court all season while keeping an accumulated 3.7 GPA. Photo credit: Blynn Beltran
With Skyline’s women’s volleyball season being over, their record of 7-18 should not overshadow the fact that the team’s accumulative GPA is a 3.79 and that’s something that should be celebrated.
Head coach Rayannah Salahuddin has been emphasizing the notion that her players should be more concerned with winning in the classroom than the court.
“We first start off with instilling the idea that the number one goal of the program is to graduate,” Salahuddin said. “If you don’t go to class, you don’t get to practice.”
It’s a great way to set up her students for success because there are no ifs, ands, or buts in the real world working environment.
This is a way to ensure that students do not feel overwhelmed by their workload and eventually stop caring about the quality of the work they produce.
Salahuddin has developed a “SUCCESS” acronym which exemplifies the core values in which she runs her program. It represents showing up, uncompromising coaches, class comes first, check daily, excellence through intention, schedule responsibly, and support your sister teammates.
“I used to procrastinate a lot,” Milicia Prarzic said. “But she’s helped me realize that I can play volleyball and do well in school at the same time”.
The “SUCCESS” model has guided Marlene Alcantara to maintain good grades. Because of the model, Alcantara has allowed herself to be eligible for different scholarship opportunities.
“I was taught that grades can affect what kind of scholarships I can get and that motivated me get good grades,” Alcantara said.
Salahuddin wants her athletes to stop being scared of having huge dreams.
“Shoot for the moon; you’ll still fall among the stars,” Salahuddin said.