Skyline baseball falters in war of attrition against Cañada College
Skyline Trojan Matt Seubert hits a fly ball out to left field in the first inning against the Cañada Colts at Skyline College on Tuesday, April 5, 2016.
Going into their second game against rival Cañada College shortly after their close 10-9 call on April 2, the Skyline men’s baseball team had their hopes of vengeance dashed on April 5 in a home game, taking an 8-0 loss against the long-rivaled team.
Nobody scored a single point until the third inning, but there was a pretty significant amount of buildup to that third inning. Cañada College’s team started at bat with right-handed batter Drew Gray, who wasn’t able to make space for a run. But Cañada’s luck changed when Rico Carvalho managed to hit a double after Gray, although the score stayed 0-0 for both the top and bottom of the first and second innings.
Skyline’s Brett Berghammer was able to hit a single in response in the bottom of the first inning, in an attempt to set up the rest of the Skyline baseball team. Armando Fajardo came shortly after Berghammer’s single, against the pitching of Cañada’s Elijah Saunders, unable to capitalize on their opportunity.
In the top of the third inning, Cañada batter Isaac Feldstein was able to hit a homer after the rest of the team had loaded all the bases, scoring four points in a row for a then total of 4-0. Cañada’s team was able to score two points then in the top of fifth inning and two more at the top of the ninth inning, leaving Skyline’s baseball team to dire straits.
From there, Skyline’s baseball team seemed to lose the momentum that they had gained. This served as a marking point for the change in player attitude that created an uneasy mood throughout. While spectators on Skyline’s side managed to cheer for Skyline’s team to lighten the mood, a meeting on the mound just before the bottom of the ninth inning between the Skyline team felt almost rushed, grasping for any opening possible.
While the game was a pretty devastating loss for Skyline’s men’s baseball team, assistant head coach Tony Brunicardi insists that the Trojan horse isn’t exactly on its last legs yet.
“We still have a chance in the championship,” Brunicardi said. “Our focus can’t be on winning eight or nine straight games, but thinking one game at a time, one day at a time.”
Men’s baseball head coach Dino Nomicos offered a simpler perspective on their loss today, saying with a straight face, “We didn’t hit,” elaborating that they faced a team who played with confidence.
“They come out aggressive, they get ahead. There’s no fight.” Nomicos said, regarding their loss today. It seems to show the weaknesses in the Skyline team’s mainly defensive play-style of baseball.
“We are a good team, but we’re not showing our full potential,” Nomicos said.
He hopes that the next time a baseball game is covered by the Skyline View, the outcome is a bit brighter.