CrossFit vs. the other fitness regimen
The punching bag at Marvelous Performance Academy in Burlingame.
CrossFit not only offers a diverse strength-building regime, but it also offers a sense of community and a perspective on life that standard regime does not offer.
CrossFit is a balanced routine, as it is an intricate combination of Olympic weightlifting, plyometric, calisthenics, power lifting, and gymnastics movements that builds strength and endurance. The combination also keeps the brain guessing which keeps the body from hitting a plateau.
Each day is a new challenge; by keeping the body guessing you see constant progress, and prevent hitting that plateau.
CrossFit keeps partakers from falling into the pitfall of decision fatigue. Just like neurons in our brain, we constantly make decisions throughout the day. Decision fatigue is a psychological term that embodies the detrition of the quality of our decisions after a period.
As I walk through the doors of my gym, I have one less decision to make for the day. This allows more time and effort invested towards results rather than the guessing game played in standard gyms.
A common misconception about CrossFit is that all those who partake already are in an optimal fitness level. Actually, it is a community filled with people from different backgrounds, fitness levels, bonded towards a common goal.
The community creates a strong support system that not pushes you to meet your goals, but holds you accountable to it. The elderly couple walk ready to tackle the day. The little ones brighten the room as they remind us of the innocence we strive to keep. The comradery among women and men alike fill the room with a sense of belonging.
CrossFit also has a way of putting life in perspective. Every day we face adversities and struggles along the way. Life is not a straight shot, but we are constantly working through it. They are intense workouts that require commitment and learning.
At the end of the day, following a CrossFit regime not only builds one’s personal strength but also builds mental strength. CrossFit is a welcoming community that constantly motivates.