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Using AI for school work can be detrimental to student success.
Using AI for school work can be detrimental to student success.
Creative Commons

Humanity’s intelligence could be our downfall

History has always viewed technology as the ultimate success that runs through future generations living a lavish lifestyle or the reason for humanity’s downfall and I believe, we are heading towards the latter. 

With the development of new technologies and in turn, technological intelligence; recent advancements for Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been pretty successful. Many companies have already started to integrate AI into their system, enabling summarizations of web pages in search engines, or grammar checking softwares, such as Google, Grammarly, and many others. It has come to the point that AI is integrated into our daily lives without us noticing.

With how common AI has become, we don’t really have to work as hard to complete a task anymore. Tasks including critical thinking and meticulous grammar checking have been given to computers who can immediately see the mistake; but this, obviously, comes with a downside of creating more problems in terms of growth for the human mind. 

From the start of the 2000s till now, we have seen the newer generations grow within the society of technology, created by the older generations. IPad kids being our newest problem within adolescence growth. Known to cause loud tantrums in public when their main entertainment (iPad, iPhone, any smart device) is taken away from them, only for it to fall into another child’s waiting hands.

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Before AI was cyberbullying, which caused depression throughout the world, causing suicide rates to rise. Children staying home to watch TV or play games instead of playing outside have shown to have more trouble concentrating on one thing at a time. These are some of the few effects that started showing up after technological advancements, but that’s only the surface of how deep the influence of technology goes.

When AI was created, its original use was to mimic human intelligence and problem solving abilities. The start was when scientists started questioning, “Is it possible to create an artificial brain?” And in current times, as per directive, we can already see that the AI has somewhat achieved its goal.

Sadly, this achievement has been taken advantage of by lazy humans who don’t even touch their school work before they turn it in, preferring to just paste in the question into an AI website and turn whatever was generated as their own work. See the problem? 

If the same thing were to be done to another human being’s work, this would count as plagiarism and that obviously is illegal. But the thought process going through many people is that, because whatever AI makes wasn’t created by a human, the rights that protect a work from being copied doesn’t really apply here. This makes the situation even more complicated.

Of course, using “common sense” or whatever that can count as that, just because it doesn’t count as plagiarism, doesn’t mean that it’s alright to claim it as your own. We have to remember that AI means Artificial Intelligence; the code behind all the smart tech is only able to mimic our own human brilliance.

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