Shoutout my staff

One of the most fun and challenging things to do as the editor in chief is coming up with fresh topics to talk about in a column. I have so many ideas that I’m unable to manifest into coherent sentences. What I can manage to say, however, is a big fat thank you to my super awesome staff.
Now, we have all had some sort of adversity this semester, be it personal or technical issues, but I am so proud of this staff for overcoming whatever life threw at them these last few months. Throughout the adversity, you pulled through to meet my deadlines on the majority of the occasions all while having fun and roasting each other in the newsroom.
So I’m making the last “The View From Here” of the semester a thank you letter, dedicated to the spring 2018 staff.
Thank you for making my first semester as editor-in-chief extremely fun and exciting.
Thank you to my section editors Maria Isabel Del Castillo Schmidhuber, Maitri Desai, Simone Ledbetter and Rachelle Lamb, who always blow me away with their layouts and fresh-angled stories.
Thank you to my copy editors, Raymond Rapada and Olivia Bowman. You will never understand how much you crack me up just by existing.
Thank you to my three permanent writers of the semester, Cristina Macz, Diego Perez and Nataly Gutierrez for being consistent and diligent. Thank you also to the independent study staff writers, Marjorie Miranda, Elizabeth Voa-Phamhi who have contributed tremendously to our paper.
Thank you to Mark David Magat, everyone’s favorite photographer. Without you, where would we be?
Thank you to my editor-at-large, Laurel Lujan, for being a positive force in the newsroom and always advising editors with their layouts.
Thank you to my digital editor, Adreana Estigoy, for your contributions to The Skyline View website.
A special thanks goes to our adviser, Nancy Kaplan-Biegel. Without you, I would still be trying to find my place in the college world. You have always welcomed me with open arms, advised me to the best of your abilities and in turn, became a wonderful mentor and teacher. Thank you, mom!
You all have inspired me to be the best I can be, while providing me with more knowledge and experience regarding the field of journalism. I can’t thank you enough for the contributions you have made both individually and collectively as a unit to The Skyline View.
This staff has made me proud on many occasions, from making Wednesday night deadlines to winning numerous awards at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges state convention. From our late night discussions to the entire staff roasting me for whatever reason … thank you for the memories.
I hope my staff continues to write about things they’re passionate about, report on the truth and remain strong journalists.
But remember, our work is far from over. Good luck, everybody.