Fashion fails

There are a lot of innocent people being victimized right now, at this very second. Innocent, caring, empathetic people, the people who work tirelessly, day and night, to make you look like something other than a pile of pig refuse.

I’m talking, of course, about the fashion industry. Right now, as we speak, fashionistas are being crushed under the yoke of racial sensitivity, placed onto their pasty, gangly necks by the cruel, uncool media. The people in the fashion industry, like Urban Outfitters, are having their creative juices dried up due to perceived racism, and it’s super unfair.

Ok, the first time was totally an accident, when that children’s clothing line made those pajamas that looked like concentration camp uniforms. The little yellow star was totally a sheriff’s star. Yes, true, the outfit clearly looked like a prison uniform, specifically the kind worn in Auschwitz, and the yellow star looked almost exactly like a Star of David. No, sheriffs don’t normally wear prison outfits. But maybe it was because the sheriff was breaking out of fashion prison. Maybe the sheriff was tired of having drab, mundane people with about as much style as a cheese log telling him that he has to conform. Yeah, good for you, incarcerated/superfly little lawman.

Then there was that other time when Urban Outfitters was unfairly chastised for accidentally making a tapestry/tunic type thing that happened to look like a concentration camp uniform…again. That whole concentration camp thing happened before the 90’s. How were the designers supposed to know about it? Books? Those are almost extinct. You have to go to some third world country, like Utah, to find those.

This is almost as bad as when they, evil, evil they, stymied Urban Outfitters for their Kent State sweatshirts that were full of holes and blood-red splatters of artsiness. Anyone with a degree in post-modern modernism could’ve told you that they were obviously being ironic. And, really, if you need it explained, then you wouldn’t get it. What you need is a shovel to dig your head out of the hole it’s buried in. Open your eyes and listen. And who the hell is Kent State?

Don’t get me started about the grotesque unfairness of Urban Outfitters getting in trouble for all those other accidentally anti-Semitic/overtly offensive shirts they made, like the ones with the dollar signs and the Stars of David. Or the one that had a picture that focused on a 15-year-old girl’s crotch. Or those shirts that encouraged pre-teen drinking. Or that shirt that was pro-anorexia. Or their Obama color-scheme thing. Or their Navajo hipster panties.

Frankly, this grotesquely naïve, insensitive, careless trivialization has to stop; shame on the media for trying to slow the creativity of the fashion industry, and for portraying them as a bunch of insensitive semi-idiots. They’re probably just mad because they’re not cool anymore.