Trojan (Wo)man: Lovemaking vs “love banging”

Are you trying to make love or do you just want to bang?

Some people love sensual lovemaking and that intense eye contact during sex, and sometimes you just don’t want that type of connection. Sometimes it is rather more exciting to, not necessarily be rough, but energetic enough to keep the motion in the ocean. It is nice to feel like you are having a moment with your lover, and if they are not your lover it is all up to you what you like the most. It’s great to know that you can look your lover in their eyes and feel their passion and love, and then other times you don’t want to be held up in one position for the duration of your love making or “love banging.”

The difference with lovemaking is that you will feel a certain way or want to be in a certain position that just doesn’t cut it for “love banging.” “Love banging” can still be intense and passionate but just in a completely different aspect. You want to be playful and excited and intertwine all that energy and feel that chill down your back that feels so weirdly good, that’s when you know you are “love banging.” Taking it to the next level with your lover is going to excite things in the bedroom, give yourself some flavor!

Let your partner know what works best for you or that you want to do something different because it’s kind of like having a certain type of food for the rest of your life. Can you really handle that? I doubt there are many people who want to stick to the same missionary position where your man is in control all of the time. Personally that just won’t cut it for an everyday type of lovemaking or “love banging.”

It’s kind of like when I hear my favorite song on the radio. I don’t want it being played with the volume turned down. I am turning the volume all the way up and I don’t care that cars passing by hear me singing or see me dancing. Same thing with this “love banging.”

I want the neighbors to wonder what all the ruckus is about wondering what could be making that noise. Maybe the bed might just break, or maybe you have a headboard banging on the wall, or you have a bed that sits on wheels so the bed ends up on the other side of the room. That’s when you know the sex was good and that’s a huge benefit in life.

People want to have exciting lives so why not have an exciting sex life. There is no reason to feel you should be holding back or just because you want to make love you have to do it one position only. Look up some freaky stuff online and try to stretch before you begin. Always do these things with caution and what works for me may not work for you, but at least that aspect of my life is carefree and exciting.