Interim Chancellor Daisy Gonzales hosts teleconference with student media
Topics ranged from financial aid to food insecurity.

California Community Colleges website
Portrait photo of interim Chancellor Daisy Gonzales
On April 19, Interim California Community Colleges Chancellor Daisy Gonzales hosted a teleconference with the state’s community college journalists on issues ranging from food insecurity to enrollment data.
She highlighted that many campuses have recently seen the trend of losses reversed, noting increased enrollment rates in the fall 2022 semester.
“Enrollment for fall 2022 has increased by 2.4% across the California Community College system,” she said.
Skyline College itself saw a larger increase between fall 2021 and fall 2022, with a 7% increase in enrollment between those semesters, according to data from the state.
Ashley Hallinan, from San Joaquin Delta College (KWDC), asked, “How is the state addressing food insecurity for college students across the state?”.
Interim Chancellor Gonzales explained, “There is currently a bill that is moving forward, and it is actually very simple. It would just allow higher education as a qualifier for receiving SNAP.”
Another student asked if there would be a similar funding program for students who have returned to community colleges but don’t qualify for the Promise Program. Gonzales mentioned there had been changes specifically for potential returning students. For example, the Golden State Education and Training Program offers people who lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic a one-time $2,500 grant.
Interim Chancellor Gonzales also discussed this month’s summit regarding supporting LGBTQ+ students and next week’s Black Student Success Week, April 23-28.
“It’s Black Students Success Week, a very important week, not only because of the advocates, but where we are today in the history of enrollment with our African American and black student population. And we are really focused on practitioners, making sure that our black and African American students feel safe and supported at our campuses.”
Moreover, Chancellor Gonzales highlighted the new advertisement campaign, which will feature ads at several Californian airports in an effort to increase the system’s statewide enrollment.
“Our job is to make sure that Californians believe that their dreams are possible and that their dreams begin by enrolling at a California community college.”