Skyline’s Inauguration to College Hour
Skyline introduces a weekly event to build a sense of community on campus.
During College Hour, campus organizations and clubs can take the opportunity to bring attention to students regarding their programs.
Skyline College’s Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations (MCPR) have introduced a new community event, College Hour for their students to get more information about various campus services, programs, and clubs.
Skyline College President, Dr. Melissa Moreno envisioned creating an in-person community building event that celebrated the partial return to campus this semester. College Hour was born out of that idea and brought to life by the Marketing and Student Life teams. College Hour takes place every Wednesday from 12 p.m to 1 p.m in the quad by building 6.
“College Hour is really an on-campus experience geared toward making students feel welcomed back to campus, and also to help build a sense of community since we have less students on-campus this semester,” said MCPR community manager Connor Fitzpatrick.
During College Hour campus organizations and clubs can take the opportunity to bring attention to students regarding their programs and how they can get involved. The hope is to bring a sense of community between students as there are less students on campus. As the campus transitions to fully back in-person services MCPR is using College Hour as a way to reach out to more students and get them more involved with Skyline’s campus and services.
“College Hour will be an ongoing, evolving weekly event,” said Fitzpatrick. “We’re envisioning a wide variety of hosts each week, open mics, game tournaments with prizes, connections to various History Months, and more.”
Some of the recent events hosted by College Hour were Project Change and the voter information booth in regards to the upcoming California Recall Election. Their students were able to gain more information on where, when, and how to vote. As the push for more events on campus gets featured through the weekly event, organizations will be able to sign up through the .
“It is something new that the college has not done before and I think something unique about it is that it happens on the same day, same time, once a week,” said Fitzpatrick. “Students know that it is going to be a constant at Skyline College and it will be here for the long run.”
MCPR wants not only Skyline’s organizations, but the student body to build a sense of community with one another as the campus reopens. Though College Hour was just recently introduced, many clubs and organizations on campus have taken advantage of this event to get more students involved.
“It is a work in progress,” said Fitzpatrick. “We’re excited to have this event, it’s something new and we want to hear what students think about it. Come stop by when you see us in the quad and let us know what you as students would like to see more of.”