Dr. Besikof’s VP of Instruction candidate forum
On Thursday, Feb. 22nd there was both a student and facuilty forum for one of the final candidates for Vice President of Instruction (VPI), Dr. Rudy Besikof.
Dr. Besikof discussed his previous experience in the forefront of the forum.
“Throughout my career, especially at Los Angeles Valley College in charge of Concurrent Enrollment, I have been an architect in building in concurrent enrollment structure.”
Dr. Rudy Besikof has been a part of the higher education community since 1992 and is award-winning educator. He has received an appointment from the U.S. Department of Commerce as a member of the California Inland Empire’s District Export Council.
One of the things he would like to do is close up the gap difference between online and face to face classes.
“I would like to bring my experience with administrative leadership personally in the areas especially with professional development and access issues that facuilty as well as students with online education and address the problem from there. We’ve done that at my district and the differential is 5 percent,” said Dr. Besikof.
Dr. Besikof is the Vice President of Instruction at Mt. San Jacinto College, a five-campus district that served over 27,000 students last year. As Vice President of Instruction and Dean, Dr. Besikof often represents his college in the community.
During the facuilty forum he was asked about how he would interpet his abilities at Skyline.
Vice President of Student Services Angelica Garcia asked, “Skyline is committed to providing quality educational experiences focusing on student success and completion. Please share how you would contribute this commitment as the Vice President of Instruction and how would you provide leadership to address change to accomplish this goal.”
He broken it down between these four parts in which he referred as “pillars”, guided pathways, clarifying the path by looking at the college schedule and how it’s accesible to students for those who are technologically challenged, supporting student on the path via support resources, and ensuring learning by having comprehension support by bridging communication between departments.