New scholarship aims to help new students transfer sooner
The Skyline College Promise Scholarship has been introduced on campus for students who have graduated from high school or hold a GED, or another equivalent to a high school diploma. The scholarship aims to give students the promise of a strong start to their college careers.
For the scholarship, students will have all enrollment fees for the first year they are enrolled covered, starting in either Fall 2016, Spring 2017, or Summer 2017. The enrollment, health, student rep, student union, and student body fees are the ones that will be covered.
This is the very first semester Skyline is offering the Promise Scholarship, and will continue on this path into Fall 2017 and possibly in future semesters.
In order to apply for the 2016-17 Promise Scholarship, students must submit their Promise Scholarship Application, apply for Financial Aid, complete the New Student Orientation, complete Skyline’s Assessment process, meet with a counselor to discuss a Student Educational Plan, and register for classes with a minimum of 12 units.
“They have access to a lot of books from the bookstore, so there is no need to purchase books,” Cherie Colin, director of marketing, communication, and public relations at Skyline said. “There are 137 students not receiving fees.”
If you plan to be a part of the Promise Scholarship or are already a recipient, there are a couple things to keep in mind. Prospective students must enroll full-time with a minimum of 12 units for fall and spring semesters, must be an active student that will maintain a GPA of 2.0 and above, complete a Student Educational Program and declare a major by the beginning of Spring 2017.
The Skyline Promise is meant to encourage students to stay motivated at every point of their education at Skyline. The motto of the Skyline College Promise Scholarship is to: “Get in, get through, and get out on time!”
“Students should take advantage of the Promise Scholarship because there are students that have to work.” Skyline student Sydnie La Rosa said.
“Paying nothing out of their pockets and having all of their student fees covered is a good benefit for everyone.”
Skyline wants high school students to be ready for college, improving the relationship and getting them excited for their education. The Promise Scholarship encourages students to stay committed on and off campus by giving support and resources to ensure the earning of a certificate. It will encourage everyone to be on track with everything, especially graduating with a certificate on time.