Boris Shkurko, ASSC Presidential Candidate
Boris Shkurko, 19 year old Political Science and Economics major, has a background in community service and experience in student government. Shkurko says, “being on the Associated Students at Skyline College this year as a senator just seeing how things worked and seeing the potential we have to make the students experience here at Skyline better that made me want to run for president”. He has a global view of the student government, acknowledging a collective body based on the good for all students. “I think that a council under my leadership and my effort alone would be able to substantially help. I want to improve the lives of students and it is one of the more important goals of our ASSC”.
Although it is Shkurko’s first year at Skyline, he quickly got into politics when he was elected ASSC senator at the beginning of the year. His familiarity with student government procedures has assisted him with creating a presidential candidacy plan. He says, “An important aspect of my leadership is that I treat it like a job. A job that has duties. I think especially with the president there are assigned duties.
I think it is important to go above and beyond that to set the standards for the rest of the council. To lead by example”. As a senator looking forward, Shkurko does not see issues, per se, but “things we can improve on”.
He likes to have a specific list of goals, one of which is advocacy for reduced textbook prices. These are not mainstream issues but things that affect the students. “No matter how big or small, our advocacy and our efforts, even if there is a chance that they can lead to some change or reform, that’s worth it”.
Shkurko acknowledges that change is a process. He says, “It wouldn’t happen overnight. Most students have become complacent with some issues. It’s just how it is. A lot of times we don’t view things as issues but we can definitely improve in those areas. And there’s no reason why we shouldn’t. All it takes is effort. And opportunity. I think we have that with the ASSC”.
“One of my biggest motivations is my love to help”, says Shkurko. He has worked in a San Francisco Western Addition area afterschool program, helping children with homework and educational goals like improved reading skills. He was awarded the JFCS Mench award as a high school student, selected from a pool of Bay Area students. “I love to help others make their lives better. It makes me happy when I can see others happy”.