On Oct. 3, between 8:18 and 8:40 p.m., a burglar for the second time in less than a month has pried open Skyline office doors and made off with textbooks.
The thief broke into two offices in Building 7 and four offices in Building 8, and absconded with an assortment of textbooks. As previously reported by The Skyline View, a break-in also took place on Sept. 15 that involved four offices in Buildings 7 and 8. On both occasions, the thief left behind a trail of frayed nerves.
“People are a little scared,” said Raymond Hernandez, dean of Skyline’s science, math and technology division. “But we need to keep an open and fostering environment for our students to learn.”
Skyline’s Public Safety office has told TSV that the suspect has been identified and the San Bruno Police Department are presently searching for him.
“He is good at what he does, “says Rob Dean, Skyline College’s chief public safety officer. “He’s efficient, he’s quick, and he dresses the part of a college student.”
This new break-in by the brazen thief included prying open the door of the Language Arts/Learning Resources office on the first floor of Building 8. The new burglaries in Building 8 were not discovered until Friday, Oct. 5, and that’s when the police returned to the campus to add new evidence to their investigation. Now books that were normally sitting out for faculty to use as a resource are now under lock and key, but this new burglary has done little to deflate the spirit of the head of this department.
“I feel secure on this campus,” said Mary Gutiérrez, dean of language arts/learning resources. “Security has done a great job of communicating.”
The San Bruno police say the investigation in still ongoing and an online crime alert from Skyline’s Office of Public Safety states that, “It is apparent that the person responsible blends in well as a student. If anyone has information about these incidents, they are encouraged to contact the San Bruno Police Department at (650) 616-7100 or SMCCCD Public Safety at (650) 738-4199.
Dean Gutiérrez, wants to remind us all that, “We have a really strong community on our campus and we stick together”