Skyline will be hosting a Transfer Day on Monday, October 24, which will give students an opportunity to learn more about prospective transfer destinations.
The event will take place in building 6 from 10:00am to 1:00pm, and will have representatives from numerous different in state colleges, including but not limited to UC Berkley, UCLA, and UC Davis and CSU campuses, including Sacramento State, as well as several private and out of state universities, such as University of Reno, Nevada, and the Academy of Art college. Students will be able to communicate with representatives and learn more about the advantages or strengths of different universities, and how to pursuit their educational future.
The day may serve as an effective means for students to become informed about the various collegiate choices available to them, which could be helpful in encouraging more students to transfer.
However, despite the potential of the event, some students were unaware as to when it would happen. Skyline student Brian Bruce felt that the Transfer Day was poorly publicized, which he said has been a deterrent to him attending the event in the past.
“I’m always working.” Said Bruce “Usually I find out, it’s the day it happens.”
In terms of students successfully transferring out of Skyline, recent data has shown a steady decline in recent years. The fall 2010 class, which comprised of 10,250 students, produced only 310 transfer students, according to the California Postsecondary Education Commission. The number of students was the second lowest in the past twenty years, and a decline from the 2008/2009 rate of 426 students.