All Skyline students and personnel were instructed to evacuate into safe open areas from 10:20 a.m. until about 10:34 a.m. as part of an earthquake drill by the California ShakeOut.
At 10:20 a.m. a message was broadcasted over the speakers informing students that an earthquake drill was about to go into effect. Shortly after an alarm went off and all Skyline students and personnel were told to evacuate their respective buildings.
The alarm itself was a prerecorded message that is labeled “EARTHQUKE” in the district website’s “Campus Alert System” section.
The message was as follows: “This is an emergency alert: A major earthquake has occurred in this area. Please move to an open area if you can safely do so. Avoid buildings, power lines, trees and other hazards. Assume all power lines are live. Listen for and be prepared to follow further instructions.”
The message played from 10:20 a.m. until about 10:30 a.m. at regular intervals. A second message would occasionally remind students that this was only a drill.
From about 10:30 a.m. onward a second alert was broadcasted onto the speakers informing students that they were allowed to go back to class. This message, like the previous one, played at regular intervals and is labeled on the district website as “ALL CLEAR MESSAGE.”
“Emergency personnel have given the ALL CLEAR. The on-campus emergency is over. You can return to your normal activities.”
The last message to be heard over the speakers was the same as the one that reminded students that it was all just a drill, but this time it also said,
“That concludes the California ShakeOut drill.”
To see what other alerts say in times of crises such as a hazardous material, fire or bomb threat on campus, please visit the campus alert system website.