This year, “One Piece” the anime, celebrates its 25th anniversary since its release on Oct. 25, 1999. Many fans around the world are excited to see the celebratory events and new collectibles are now on sale for the new arc, “Egghead Island”; though it is to be noted that this is the near end of our beloved story. This is still not yet verified the second time to be fully believed to be true, do the many times that Oda Eiichiro, the story creator, had claimed the exact same thing only to cancel and extend the series another year or so.
Throughout the story, we follow a teenage boy named Monkey D. Luffy, whose ultimate goal and dream is to be the King of Pirates. King of Pirates is a title created and given to a man named Gold Roger, the man known to have achieved everything a man could dream for. Throughout the series, we follow Luffy as he braves through his journey across the sea, creating lasting bonds (his pirate crew), pissing off the Marine and World Government and “unintentionally” saving people from calamities. The land, sky, and deep sea, all kinds of journeys are possible in the massive mystery of the Grand Line.
“One Piece,” to me, has been a part of my childhood that has never seemed to end. I’ve watched my dad showing me scenes that I still vaguely remember then rewatching the scenes myself and falling in love with it again. The story-building, the relationships, the concepts are all amazing. Compared to other animes, I believe that “One Piece” is the best anime of all time. There is much to love and praise about “One Piece,” but there has always been a little part of me that has questioned creator Eiichiro Oda. Unlike other anime where they always have some sort of fixed humanoid form that may or may not be realistic in our world’s rules, I’ve always loved the diversity of the heights, body shape and the voices that gave characters life. Like the air that enables us to breathe, it’s something that is unique to the “One Piece” story that I admire Mr. Oda for even coming up with.
The main concern being the way he draws women characters compared to men.
But unlike male characters who always constantly have some sort of quirk that is distinguishable, the design for the women characters have always bothered me. Especially with the newer art style adopted in the anime, compared to the silly atmosphere the old one gave, it seems like the anime turned from a funny cartoonish anime into one that gives out fan service to keep the fans from leaving.
Currently, this anime is one of the most popular and longest-running shows people like to watch. With how many episodes are fillers, I wouldn’t doubt that people are just waiting for the series to end so they can watch it in one go. I personally have skipped many to save time.
But in the end, the problems that are present don’t alter how good the show is and its impact. How women are portrayed won’t stop the real “One Piece” fans from loving our Future Pirate King: Monkey D. Luffy.
This article has been revised to correct several typos or grammatical errors.