Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor of Skyline View:
I read the recent Editorial about the college media statement sent on March 12th that generated considerable dialogue, concerns and questions among the campus community. I personally appreciate the willingness of the campus community and the Skyline View to contact me directly regarding this matter and to let me know how it was received.
First, please accept my sincere apology to you as a media outlet and to the entire campus and surrounding community. The statement was confusing and does not represent the intent of our policy. We do not have nor desire to have a policy or process that limits speech or impedes employee/media access. As well, I would like for the college PIO to be available to both the faculty and staff and the media as a support person.
Please be assured that we will make this right. The college will re-evaluate the media statement, taking into consideration the concerns expressed and will share the proposed new statement through the participatory governance process before it is released again. I am committed as the President of the college to ensuring that we continue to be transparent, open and honest with the media.
Again, I apologize to you, the faculty, staff, students and community.
Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud
President – Skyline College